For those of you who follow me (or most any other blogger) on Instagram I’m sure you’ve seen the #Liketkit hashtags and registration info with almost every outfit post. If you haven’t looked into it yet, allow me to explain how cool and easy it is to get outfit information from Instagram posts sent directly to your email inbox:
1. Register by going to and sign in to Instagram
2. When you “Like” my photos on Instagram that have been tagged with #liketkit you will receive an e-mail with the ready to shop product links. When a photo has the shop-able feature enabled I’ll indicate by adding the hashtag. You can also update your preferences for your e-mails to be delivered however often you would like, this option is particularly great if you follow other bloggers who also use liketkit.
Easy peasy, you never have to wonder again where you can find something that you Like!

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