After we bought our house and our son was born I made a promise to myself to stop being such an impulsive shopper. I vowed to deliberate over my choices, before grabbing everything that appealed to me, in an effort to be more fiscally responsible. I do most of my shopping on line because of my crazy busy schedule and when I happened upon an app on my ipad one fateful night I felt like I had been saved! The app I’m referring to is StyleSpotter. It allows me to search for things that I am lusting over each season and create collections for my wishlists and even search for the best online price (they will also alert you if a price has dropped on something you have saved). It’s so easy to use you can even snuggle with your babies while you shop. Whether you use it to keep your shopping habits in check like me or are looking to save money by doing comparison shopping I find Stylespotter to be the way to go!
You can also view other shoppers collections for inspiration, check out my StyleSpotter Profile to see whats on my radar.
*this is not a sponsored post, I just really like the app

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